news & press

The Percelays Help Assure the Future of the New Nantucket Cottage Hospital Building and Staff
Published August 22, 2016 in PressAs a recent nursing school graduate, Sarah had just landed her first job as the new nurse in Dr. George Butterworth's Nantucket practice, a cushy Monday-through-Friday 9-5, a far cry from the nightshifts, weekends and holidays that most first-year nurses endure.

Hospital project gets $10M boost
Published August 16, 2016 in PressNANTUCKET — A $10 million donation from the family of a Boston-based businessman has brought the Nantucket Cottage Hospital one giant leap closer to meeting its fundraising goal for the construction of a new facility.

Percelay family to donate $10 million for new Nantucket hospital
Published August 16, 2016 in PressBruce Percelay, founder and chairman of The Mount Vernon Co., and his wife, Elisabeth, announced that they’re giving a $10 million matching gift toward building a new hospital on Nantucket.
Buying American is not un-American when it comes to running shoes
Published June 15, 2016 in PressHOW IS it possible that The Boston Globe finds that buying American is somehow un-American?

The Boom Spills Over
Published May 13, 2016 in PressA host of development projects outside of hot areas in and around downtown win approval - a surge with the potential to add housing in the less-pricey neighborhoods where demand outstrips supply.

Allston’s Western Avenue is Boston’s Latest Hot Neighborhood
Published March 28, 2016 in Development, OtherFor decades, Ardo Garabedian’s gas station and parking lot along Western Avenue in Brighton were surrounded by a ragtag array of used-car dealerships, and the dilapidated remnants of the old Charles River Speedway.

Take a look at the latest apartment complex planned at ‘The gateway to Brighton’
Published March 28, 2016 in Development, PressThe Mount Vernon Co., a Boston-based apartment owner, and developer, this week filed expanded plans with the city regarding its proposed 132-unit residential complex on Western Avenue in Brighton. The company is planning a 128,052-square-foot, six-story residential building with three retail stores at 530 Western Ave.